After a reassuring push out of the room; Jarvan dusted himself down,
made sure his hair was set correctly, and headed straight for the end of the
corridor. In a couple of moments he returned, explaining that one of the guards
had left, while the other refused outright due to that if he was caught leaving
his post, he would most likely be killed. The thought of anyone who would do
kill for that kill didn't settle well with the group. Danton sighed before
deciding he needed to take control of the situation himself. He laced a dart
with Khatt-Nipp and hoped that the guard would have a compelling sense to get
him away from his duties. The guard soon scratched the puncture would where he
had been hit by the dart knocking it to the floor as he reached around. Almost immediately
the drug started to take effect. He adjusted his own clothing, ruffled his hand
through his hair and could be heard checking his breath. He bowed to the air
with a gentleman's grace and offered to escort whatever he saw, to their
private quarters. His ears raised a little and Danton could see the back of his
neck start to redden as he left.
Raneaux was still refusing to cooperate. The metallic thread that Xera
had bound her with, was digging into her skin and she pleaded with the rest of
the group to let her go. For a brief moment it was considered before the
requests to be freed were peppered with requests for food and soon she could
see the answer on their faces. As they walked down the this new corridor, it
was almost exactly the same as the others, which was starting to become disorientating.
Doors were dotted along the flanking walls, with two more heavier set doors at
either end. Danton had hoped to follow the guard out but found the door he had
gone through was barring them from a number of bickering servants. He
desperately tried the other doors, in hopes that he would find an exit.
Instead, he found a storage closet full of old vials and equipment, along with
dusty tomes and faded robes. The only interesting part to it were the
vials, which soon found their way into Xera's possession.
Back in the hallway, the sound coming from the servants behind the door
was getting louder and the group decided it was probably best to stay away from
being seen and headed down to the other end. The door here as well was flanked
by the sounds servants in disarray. A door to the group's left had been
left slightly ajar and opened into humble bedroom compared to where they had
arrived. There was also a glass door leading to a balcony and perhaps the possibility
of escape. Danton suggested that Eryn use his flaming hand, to take him and
Raneaux away from here while the rest of them would leave on foot. This sparked
an intense debate about the best course of action, which was soon interrupted
by a woman coughing at the door.
She was dressed more fashionable attire, although not gilded like the
woman in the portraiture. She laughed as the group turned around, mentioning
that she would recognise one of the group's eyes anywhere. For a brief second,
Danton thought she was looking at him before realising she was talking to a now
bright red Jarvan. She was about foot shorter than him but had a
personality that stepped far beyond what was appropriate a servant. She was
confident and cocky, inviting Danton and Jarvan to sit by name, before accusing
Danton of having a secret child while pointing to the young girl. Raneaux
looked up in confusion, as Danton nearly chocked at the suggestion. He rebuked
her assertions, while all the time, the woman continued to smile. That same
smile soon bore monstrous teeth, as she threatened to blackmail Danton and
Jarvan with the very fact they were where they were. Danton would have normally
given this threat a little more credence but owing to who she was, he drew his
karambit and flashed its reflection at her. She soon backed down, although she
kept her bladed words.
Raneaux, now even more confused and asked the woman who she was and why
she would think Raneaux was Danton's child. With a hint of sarcasm, she said
that she was appalled and offended by the fact Danton or Jarvan had not even
mentioned her in passing. She slowly pronounced her name, with her face close to
Raneaux's face, Chi-a-nna, in the most patronising of ways before ending it
with a kiss. Now feeling uneasy about the woman calling herself Chianna,
Raneaux tried to reach for some food to take her mind off the situation. only to
be stopped by her restraints and Eryn forcibly parting her from her belongings.
As Raneaux struggled to get her items back, Chianna noticed the blackening
veins on her hands before her jaw dropped and an audible realisation soon
brought everyone back to looking at her. Danton attempted to navigate her
spiteful and venomous attitude and eventually relinquished his hopes for a
civil conversation, in exchange for a surprising offer of help.
Soon her motives were revealed, when she offered to take Raneaux to see
her uncle. This uncle had been hidden behind the crates and shelving of the
storage room. As they entered, Chianna turned a small statuette which started
to pulse a low humming noise while it's eyes lit up with a ghostly blue. The
wall next to it and the objects in front took on almost mirage like quality. To
Raneaux's shock, Chianna walked straight though, even past the stone wall and disappeared
to whatever was beyond as if nothing in front of her had any substance. Danton
was unsure of Chianna's motives and given his familiarity with her and he old
Xera to stay with him in case something was to happen although not explaining
why. Chianna was soon followed by Eryn and Raneaux up in to a room hidden
chamber under the roof supports. It was a tiny room with a dusty and dirty
round lead window, a rusted wrought metal bed, a desk, a book case with a few shelves
bucking to one side under the weight. Chianna told Eryn and Raneaux to wait
while she went over to the desk and the man who was sat with his back to them,
looking out the window. She turned the chair around to reveal and old man, scarred
and wrinkled by a violent past and marred by black veins that throbbed all over
his paling skin. If the man hadn't been as animated in his speech and in his
head movements, he could have been mistaken for a killed by venom from savage and brutal beast.
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